This page isn’t (entirely) all about heavy legal jargon, but there are a few bits and pieces that people might need to know.


Billing Details / Accounts

Clean Maintain Restore Pty Ltd

PO Box 194

Sunbury   Vic   3249


darryl @ cleanmaintainrestore . com . au


Parcel Post

Clean Maintain Restore

Parcel Locker 10180 63346

19-29 Macedon St

Sunbury   Vic   3429





Clean Maintain Restore Pty Ltd is an Australian Proprietary Company, Limited By Shares.

Director and Company Secretary is Darryl van Rooy.

The Company was registered on 20th January 2017 with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and is registered for GST.

The Company operates under:

  • Australian Company Number 616 936 915
  • Australian Business Number 40 616 936 915

Clean Maintain Restore Pty Ltd owns these business names:

  • Clean Maintain Restore
  • Sunbury Carpet Cleaning
  • Melba Laundrette
  • Avondale Heights Laundromat.
  • 1300DARRYL


A copy of our Terms and Conditions is available.

A current list of the products we have in use along with the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS or SDS) are also available

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The Operating and Training Manual for Clean Maintain Restore is on line.

It is hosted on the Google Sites platform.

Access to the Manual is controlled via the Google Sites permissions process.