Material Safety Data Sheets for products used by Clean Maintain Restore Pty Ltd.

Please click on the name of the product to get a pdf version of the document.


  • Percide by Actichem – used for mould remediation and cleaning of organic and biological products
  • Neutro Blast by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – used for general hard surface cleaning requiring a neutral pH product
  • Defoamer by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – used to prevent foaming when excessive detergent is present
  • Blast Power by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – used for hard floor cleaning requiring a high pH/alkaline product
  • Blast by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – used for hard floor cleaning requiring a neutral product
  • Blast Away by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – used for hard floor cleaning requiring a low pH/acidic product
  • Citrus Solv by Bridgepoint – used for stain removal of gum and other sticky residues
  • All Solv Vandalism Remover by Bridgepoint – aerosol used for stain removal of inks
  • ProSOLV by Pressure Pro – gel for removal of gums and inks
  • ProGRUNT by Pressure Pro – pre-spray for carpet and upholstery cleaning
  • Performance Plus by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – pre-spray for carpet and upholstery cleaning
  • Gold Rush by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – pre-spray for carpet and upholstery cleaning
  • Polyprop Plus by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – pre-spray for carpet and upholstery cleaning
  • POG by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – paint, oil and grease remover for carpet and upholstery cleaning
  • PIG by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – paint, ink and grease remover for carpet and upholstery cleaning
  • CT Spot by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – coffee and tannin remover
  • Protein Spotter by Actichem – remover for protein-based stains such as blood and vomit
  • Rust Remover by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – rust remover
  • Coil Klenz by Minehan Agencies – radiator/refrigerant coil cleaner
  • All Solv Extreme by Bridgepoint Systems – carpet gel for gum like resideues
  • Flex Ice Rinse by Bridgepoint Systems – water additive for more effective rinsing of carpets and upholstery
  • Citrus Solv by Bridgepoint Systems – water solvent gel for gum and other residues
  • Fine Fabric Upholstery Detergent by Whyte’s Specialised Chemicals – specifically for upholstery made with natural fibres
  • Conquer O2 by Actichem – colour spot remover
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